Friday, September 20, 2013

Robyn you look great!!!

robyn after using skinny fiber

Robyn says... "28 days and still coming down. Here is a lesson in not taking the scale too seriously. 3 days ago, I was at just over 321 lbs. Today I'm at just over 325. I also know that last night I was retaining water a bit, and I have not yet done my business this morning. I have, however, lost a FREAKING 22 INCHES! (12 if you go by the 90 day challenge....I take more measurements as I'm also tracking my water retention. Am I disappointed that the scale fluctuated so badly? Of course I am. In the long run, does it matter? of course not. Just look at this picture! I'm headed in the right direction!"

Begin your Journey with Skinny Fiber CLICK HERE NOW

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