Sunday, September 22, 2013

Amazing Weight Loss Journey With Skinny Fiber

Amazing Weight Loss Journey With Skinny Fiber

"Okay, Here is my pictures after five weeks, I noticed some lose but not much until I lined my photos up, and my husband has noticed. He noticed my belly was shrinking right away, and that my energy level was through the roof. Now he asks “ are you going to sit down and relax”…I am very relaxed and in fact I am in a good mood all the time. I am a big girl and I know it is going to take time for others to notice. I personally cannot tell you how much better I feel. I have been a "big girl" since right after graduating high school. Do to my own emotional issues, and losing all my self-esteem. But it is back baby... I have so much energy and my house has never been cleaner, laundry is done daily, so I have none for the weekends. I have spent so much needed time playing with my 2yr old. Which let’s face it before I would sit on her bed and watch her play? I have my life back thanks to Skinny Fiber. I absolutely LOVE this Skinny Fiber it is doing wonders for me, and I feel fabulous. Started a gym Monday 08/26/13 to start toning my skin up. It is already hanging some and hate it. I wish people would just give Skinny Fiber a chance. I did and I cannot tell you how happy I am I did."

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